27 November 2018

Could new leasehold laws affect my investment? Lucy Barber writes for the Financial Times

I am investing in property in London and have a concern that one or two of the apartments I am buying will be leasehold. I realise that there is a government consultation coming up. Should I expect changes to the laws around leaseholds after that?

Lucy Barber, Head of Residential Property, answers a reader's question in the Financial Times 'Your Questions: Mortgages' section. The article, entitled 'Could new leasehold laws affect my investment?' sits behind a paywall and requires a subscription to read.

Lucy comments that: "We can certainly expect changes to emerge from the review of the laws surrounding leasehold properties. The government is seeking to address what it feels are unfair practices in certain areas of the leasehold property market." Lucy goes on to discuss the proposed legislation around ground rent capping, leasehold enfranchisement reform, and the general need for purchasers in London to obtain legal advice so as to be sure of what the potential changes will actually mean for them. 

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