
5 February 2019

Honesty is the Best Policy – 5 take-aways from the WPA Good Growth Seminar

If One Heddon Street is the Crown Estate's first adventure into co-working flexible office space, then this market is in for a treat in the years to come. From the vibrant ornaments/flowers outside, cute café in the entrance, lush living wall and delicious #daisygreencollection coffee presented in a very fashionable #louisedear style cup, I knew I was in for a treat this morning.

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4 February 2019

An introduction to nuptial agreements

Engagements and wedding planning are joyful and heart-warming experiences and too often any talk of a pre-nup is viewed as being at odds with this special time. But mind-sets are changing with more and more couples signing nuptial agreements, valuing the certainty and financial transparency that such an agreement brings and rejecting the notion that nuptial agreements are unromantic.

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31 January 2019

New Year, New Disclosure!

We are now a month into the Disclosure Pilot Scheme (the “Pilot"), which came into force on 1 January 2019. The Pilot will operate (with limited exceptions) for two years in various Business & Property courts around the country and seeks to revolutionise the way parties deal with disclosure in proceedings; standard disclosure is no more!

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30 January 2019

London’s Knowledge Clusters

A gloriously crisp January morning saw me donning my very attractive cycling gear and speeding down to Kings Cross to attend a breakfast seminar to unpick the key themes behind the recently published London Knowledge Clusters Research Report.

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8 January 2019

Charities and real estate – what do you need to know?

Charities might wish to acquire or sell property for a number of reasons; to occupy, as offices or shops, or for investment purposes in the furtherance of its charitable aims. When entering into a real estate transaction the charity trustees will need to ensure they comply with the terms of the charity’s constitution as well as statutory requirements set out in the Charities Act 2011.

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21 December 2018

Fire Safety update

Many of you will be familiar with the Hackitt Report, the final version of which was published in May of this year, which made various recommendations following the Grenfell Tower tragedy in 2017.

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