8 July 2019

Delivering more and better homes across the UK – 4 key takeaways

Thank you to Movers and Shakers for a great event on the sunny morning of the 5th July. The property industry is united on the need to deliver more housing and fast! A collaborative discussion between public and private sector.

Here are some key takeaways which resonated with us:

  1. We really need local building firms, who need access to cheaper money- how can the government/banks give support? Sad to see long standing businesses fold.
  2. Too much bureaucracy in planning process generally means sites are not brought forward quickly enough.
  3. Access to the market for buyers is restricted by sluggish mortgage offer process, affordability criteria– how can we change this?
  4. Affordability for renters is rightly driving s106 requirements but developers cannot do it all!

Helen Streeton is a partner in our Commercial Real Estate team.

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