20 September 2019

Private Alternative Investment Trends Conference – 5 key takeaways

Thank you to FieraCapital for an engaging conference on 12 September held in the fantastic Knowledge Centre at The British Library.

Great to hear Rt Hon Jeremy Hunt MP share with us his projections for macro “hot topics” in 10 years’ time – FinTech and climate change being right up there with China’s economic growth and stability.

Here are some key takeaways from the real estate panel:

  1. Investors looking to diversify into global markets, with opportunities in developing countries
  2. Low interest rates and continued QE have created a stabilised cycle
  3. Fast pace of change demand side for better space is driving delivery of flexible, more efficient and more densely occupiable space
  4. Build to Rent will remain a key growth area as the need for affordable rental space becomes more acute, especially in South East – as sales market becomes less accessible. There is a need to create assets and social infrastructure responsibly - to create real homes and places to live
  5. Supply side changes, for example in the planning system, will increase supply and speed up delivery.

Helen Streeton and Ronan Ledwidge are partners in our Commercial Real Estate team.

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