
1 September 2021

The Building Safety Bill

The Building Safety Bill (the Bill) was introduced to the Commons on 5 July 2021, some four years after the Grenfell Tower disaster.

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13 August 2021

Can I file my video or audio evidence in children proceedings in the family court?

In disputes between parents about children (e.g. where their children should live or how much time they should spend with each parent), clients frequently come to us with evidence they have gathered. In an age where our smartphones are never far from reach, this can take many forms: screenshots, videos (taken secretly or with the participants' knowledge), voice notes, voice recordings, social media posts, appearances on “FindmyPhone”, and so on and so forth.

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1 August 2021

Five top tips for international buyers of UK Residential Property

Buying a property in the UK can be an overwhelming process, made more stressful if the purchaser is based overseas. In order to ensure the process runs as smoothly as possible it is crucial to understand the additional complexities of a cross-border purchase and the particular nuances of buying property in the UK.

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30 July 2021

Much Ado About Service Charges

A recent case (Criterion Buildings Ltd v McKinsey and Co Inc [2021] EWHC 216 (Ch)) has clarified the proper approach to the calculation of service charges in relation to commercial premises. In particular, the apportionment of the service charge between the tenants and the demands for sinking fund contributions was considered.

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30 July 2021

Returning to work - key considerations for employers

Employers and employees alike will be well aware that on 19 July 2021 the government lifted its instruction that people should work from home. This article will address how employers can best interpret the current government guidance (in conjunction with their statutory duties) and the takeaway points from recent Employment Tribunal decisions concerning the return to work.

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23 July 2021

Transport Decarbonisation Plan - Key Take-Aways for Logistics

The Government has published its most recent plan to decarbonise the transport system in the UK. "Decarbonising Transport: A Better, Greener Britain" (the TDP) is intended to be a "greenprint" for the UK's road to a net zero transport industry by 2050. The publication of the plan is particularly timely given that the UK will be hosting the UN Climate Change Conference (COP26) in Glasgow later this year.

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