
15 February 2021

COVID-19 vaccines: employment law considerations

The COVID-19 vaccination programme is well underway and with reports suggesting that all adults will be offered a vaccine by the end of May, employers will likely be considering the implications of this for their staff. This article considers some of the key issues.

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3 February 2021

VAT – cross border supplies post-Brexit

It is often easy to assume that one only has to pay UK VAT if one lives in the UK but UK VAT is often paid by individuals, trustees and companies who are resident outside the UK but use the services of professionals who are based in the UK. The extent to which VAT is or is not chargeable has changed as a result of Brexit and the end of the transition period on 31 December 2020. Here, we consider the new post-Brexit VAT position.

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2 February 2021

The role of directors in ensuring overseas companies are and remain non-UK resident for tax purposes: HMRC v Development Securities PLC and Others

In the recent case of HMRC v Development Securities PLC and Others, the Court of Appeal held that a Jersey incorporated company with a majority of Jersey-based directors was UK resident. Although the facts of the case were unusual, some useful pointers as to what went wrong for the company and how it could have done better can be gleaned from the judgment.

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1 February 2021

Defective Cladding - Commercial purchasers/building owners need to beware

Since the tragic Grenfell Tower fire, it has become clear that many recently constructed or refurbished residential buildings, particularly taller buildings, are unsafe and require urgent and substantial remedial action. But the issue is not limited to residential buildings. It can equally apply to commercial buildings with cladding and there have been particular issues with student accommodation and hotels.

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12 January 2021

Defective Cladding / Fire Protection - Residential flatowners need to act fast

Since the tragic Grenfell Tower fire on 14 June 2017, it has become clear that many residential buildings are unsafe and require urgent and substantial remedial action. Grenfell Tower had Aluminium Composite Material ("ACM") cladding but many other cladding systems, as well as insulation and other materials making up the external walls, have now been found to also be combustible and unsafe. Moreover, many buildings have been built without adequate cavity barriers to stop the spread of fire.

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"They are also excellent at clear communication and I could not recommend any improvements."
Chambers UK, 2021