
7 May 2020

COVID-19 and the Hotel Industry

The ongoing COVID-19 pandemic continues to have a devastating effect on the hotel industry, with some commentators suggesting that it could take upwards of five years for the sector to fully recover. What are the key legal issues hoteliers should consider during these uncertain times?

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24 April 2020

Art in the time of Coronavirus: Disputes in the Art World

With one third of the global population living under lockdown, we are witnessing the dawn of a new, and hopefully temporary, normal. We are all having to adapt to significant changes to our daily lives, social interaction and the operation of our businesses.

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21 April 2020

COVID-19: HMRC guidance on Company Residence, Permanent Establishment and related issues regarding the Economic Substance Test

Her Majesty's Revenue and Customs (HMRC) published guidance on 9 April on the implications of COVID-19-related travel restrictions on a company's residence status. Such travel restrictions may force directors or employees to be present in the UK when they would not be here under normal circumstances. This situation raises concerns as to whether a foreign company may become resident for tax purposes in the UK because the central management and control (CMC) of the company might be considered to have moved here.

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17 April 2020

Think carefully before putting pen to paper (or, in this case, fingers to keypad…)

In the recent case of Athena Brands Ltd v Superdrug Stores Plc [2019] EWHC 3503 (Comm) the courts held that a binding contract was made by a simple exchange of emails between parties. The case highlights the importance of businesses following internal policies when discussing and negotiating purchase agreements and being very careful when negotiating and discussing potential orders by email.

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17 April 2020

Buyer Beware: Counterparties and Covenant Strength

In times of growing economic uncertainty business owners will face numerous commercial and strategic challenges. Ultimately, this may result in corporate restructuring or asset and business sales in order to manage liquidity or in more serious cases, protect parties from insolvency.

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27 March 2020

Remember your Section 17 notices

With so much focus on rent concessions for tenants and the new forfeiture moratorium, landlords should make sure they also protect their rights to recover rents and other fixed charges from former tenants and guarantors by serving notice under section 17 of the Landlord and Tenant (Covenants) Act 1995 within 6 months of the sums falling due.

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