
24 April 2020

Art in the time of Coronavirus: Disputes in the Art World

With one third of the global population living under lockdown, we are witnessing the dawn of a new, and hopefully temporary, normal. We are all having to adapt to significant changes to our daily lives, social interaction and the operation of our businesses.

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24 April 2020

Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme

The guidance for employers and employees relating to the Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme (the ‘Scheme’) has now had several iterations. The Chancellor has issued the Treasury Direction (the ‘Direction’), which sets out the Scheme’s formal legal framework, and announced an extension to the Scheme until the end of June 2020. The HMRC on-line portal for making claims is now open. With so many moving parts, we thought it would be useful to answer some frequently asked questions in relation to the Scheme.

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21 April 2020

Dispute resolution in the age of isolation – An Update

Since 26 March 2020 when we last surveyed how mediation, arbitration and litigation were being conducted in the current circumstances, matters have evolved at a rapid pace, particularly in the English court system. We have seen unprecedented use of technology as the courts focus on getting business done as usual so far as possible.

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21 April 2020

COVID-19: HMRC guidance on Company Residence, Permanent Establishment and related issues regarding the Economic Substance Test

Her Majesty's Revenue and Customs (HMRC) published guidance on 9 April on the implications of COVID-19-related travel restrictions on a company's residence status. Such travel restrictions may force directors or employees to be present in the UK when they would not be here under normal circumstances. This situation raises concerns as to whether a foreign company may become resident for tax purposes in the UK because the central management and control (CMC) of the company might be considered to have moved here.

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17 April 2020

Note for landlords of commercial properties- particular points re rent recovery from tenants in current market conditions

Many tenants (particular those in the retail and hospitality sectors- but also a considerable number of office and industrial tenants) are not paying their rent in full or, in many cases, at all. Some of these tenants are major companies (such as JD Sports and WH Smith) who one would think could afford to pay. According to press reports, only 48% of commercial rents had been paid for the March 2020 quarter by the start of April.

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17 April 2020

The transition to SONIA goes marching on

The discussions regarding the replacement of the London Interbank Offered Rate (LIBOR) by the Sterling Overnight Index Average (SONIA) have been overshadowed somewhat by the COVID-19 pandemic, but despite the current challenging environment the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) has emphasised that it is still focused on the change.

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Chambers UK, 2021