
20 January 2022

Moving House - To Do List

Moving house can be an inherently stressful process. The best way to ensure a smooth transaction is to be prepared with all papers and possible issues in advance, so these do not stall the process due to late discovery, and enabling your solicitor and agent to ensure all matters are properly addressed in advance. We have set out below a short checklist, which is not exhaustive, but should assist in initial preparations so that you can hit the ground running once a buyer is found.

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6 January 2022

We Need To Talk – Financial Difficulties and Facility Agreements

Unfortunately, businesses often face financial difficulties and the pandemic in particular, has caused problems for many. This is a stressful and worrying time for any business, even if they have no bank debt, but what are your options if you do have debt finance in place and are at risk of defaulting under the facility agreement?

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30 December 2021

The PSC Register: A Recap

UK Companies and LLPs must record details of their beneficial ownership and file the details with Companies House. The information must be kept up to date.

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22 December 2021

Weathering the storm: The future for hotels

The Covid-19 pandemic created a perfect storm for the hotels sector and, despite ever improving signs of recovery, the resulting devastation will take time and innovation to repair. Unprecedented economic life-support provided by the UK government over the last two years has kept the gathering clouds at bay, but there could well be casualties in 2022 and beyond. This was the conclusion of a roundtable discussion hosted by Forsters on 10 November 2021.

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22 December 2021

Landmark Supreme Court Judgment leaves Google “Feeling Lucky”

Google’s homepage still encourages internet users to search for information by clicking the “I’m Feeling Lucky” button. That phrase surely sums up the mood in the camp at Google after the Supreme Court refused to grant Mr Lloyd permission to serve a £3 billion representative claim on Google in Delaware. Google, along with other large data controllers, will be breathing a huge sigh of relief.

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21 December 2021

The Entrepreneur's Exit - Avoiding the Legal Pitfalls

The post-COVID bounce back in M&A deals has led a lot of entrepreneurs to consider selling their businesses. Business owners are aware that today’s extremely healthy M&A market will not continue indefinitely and that the window of opportunity will soon begin to close.

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14 December 2021

Think twice before your pre-Christmas clear-out

I recently read an article written by a solicitor-turned-barrister which set me thinking about transactions which turn bad. As a transactional lawyer, I am well aware that on occasions, relations between parties sour and disputes arise, so how can parties reduce the risk of time-consuming and costly litigation at the outset?

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8 December 2021

London Calling? – Government Proposes Corporate Re-Domiciliation to the UK

The UK government announced in its Autumn Budget that it is considering putting in place a new regime to allow overseas-incorporated companies to re-domicile to the UK and has published a consultation to this effect (the “Consultation”). If the plans go ahead, foreign companies will be able to change their place of incorporation to the UK while retaining their legal identity.

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30 November 2021

Tax Considerations - Moving to the UK

Individuals and families intending to relocate to the UK should ensure they undertake pre-arrival tax planning in advance of a move, so that their affairs are arranged as efficiently as possible for UK tax purposes.

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29 November 2021

Crypto-Asset Nudge Letters: a cause for concern?

In November 2021 HMRC will begin sending ‘nudge letters’ to UK domiciled individuals they have identified as holding crypto-assets to encourage them to ensure they have paid the correct amount of income tax and capital gains tax (CGT) on any income they have received from their crypto-asset holdings.

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"Forsters was the first firm where I enjoyed the recruitment process. What really put me at ease was the fact that it is partners and senior associates who interviewed me so it has a far more personal feel to it."
Phoebe Jackson, Trainee Solicitor