17 October 2022

Considerations for parents of children with additional needs who are separating: Rosie Schumm writes for Able Magazine

Family Partner, Rosie Schumm, has authored an article in Able magazine entitled ‘Considerations for parents of children with additional needs who are separating’.

The impact of divorce or separation on a family with a child with additional needs can be profound. Rosie discusses various factors involved including financial provisions, the educational needs of the child, social issues and living arrangements and emotional wellbeing.

The full article can be read here (p34-35).

For further information on this topic, please contact our Family Team.

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"Our staff, our clients and other friends of Forsters have always had a wide range of charitable interests. The financial help offered by the partners through the Trust reflects a commitment to charity that has come to form an essential part of the firm's ethos. It is exciting to see the variety of good causes supported each year."
David Robinson, Consultant and Trustee since 1998