16 December 2019

Graduate Recruitment Applications

With applications for 2020 vacation schemes and 2022 training contracts now open, Graduate Recruitment partner Victoria Towers and Graduate Recruitment co-ordinator Holly Meldrum join podcast host Miri Stickland to talk through some of the questions they get asked most frequently by potential candidates.

“We like to see a wide range of candidates with a variety of things to offer. Having the intellectual ability to solve complex problems is the starting point and we also really like to see a genuine interest in Forsters. We are known for being a friendly, collaborative firm so we do look for people who are personable, alongside which we like to see candidates with drive, ambition and a strong work ethic.”

“It’s really important that candidates get a feel for whether the firm is right for them. Every firm is different so take the opportunity to go to open days, graduate recruitment dinners and law fairs to get that insider’s viewpoint and ask as many questions as possible. It can prove invaluable. If you can apply for a vacation scheme, we recommend that you do, as it is the best insight into the firm that you can get, although there is always space for direct applications for training contracts as well.”

“The most common mistake in application forms is spelling the firm’s name wrong or putting another firm’s name in accidentally! Make sure you get someone else to proof read your application.”

In this episode we were joined by:

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