29 November 2018

Top tips for a Good Divorce

Good Divorce Week, an annual campaign by Resolution, aims to raise awareness of how separating or divorcing parents can limit the impact of conflict on their children. This year, leading divorce lawyers from our award winning Family team have contributed their own top tips for achieving a Good Divorce.

Jonathan Lyness, Associate – “Look to the future instead of focussing on the past.  Except in the most serious circumstances, your partner’s behaviour will generally not be considered by the court when dealing with children or finances. ”

Anna Ferster, Associate – "Although it might seem like an uphill struggle at the start, a Good Divorce is often achievable. Be open and honest with your spouse about your viewpoint and try, where possible, to retain effective communication with them. Ensure you also have a good support network around you."

Dickon Ceadel, Associate – “Many clients find mediation a helpful route to a #GoodDivorce. Mediators are independent and can help both parties reach agreement about both finances & children in a safe, confidential environment.”

Rosie Schumm, Partner – "Prioritising your children rather than focussing on any animosity you may have for each other.  Children will benefit from clear communication about their new living circumstances. Parenting agreements can help to achieve clarity and minimise potential for disagreement."

Christine Abbotts, Associate – "Divorce can be an emotionally challenging time. A Good Divorce is more likely to be achieved where both of you are ready. If you are seeking a divorce, try to be patient with your spouse. If your spouse is pushing for divorce, don’t be afraid to ask for more time to adjust."

Amanda Sandys, Senior Associate – "Where children are involved, couples have an enduring bond as parents. A family changes shape after a divorce, but is still a family. Maintaining respect for your former spouse as a co-parent and not thinking of them as the enemy is key."

Jo Edwards, Partner and Head of Family – "Be sure that divorce is the right decision.  Most relationships go through a rocky patch; if you agree that the marriage is over and you've given it your all, you're more likely to have a Good Divorce than if one of you feels that the other has pressed the eject button too quickly."

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