14 May 2019

Forsters awarded Silver in Mind's Workplace Wellbeing Index

Forsters LLP has once again been recognised for its commitment to workplace wellbeing.

Mind's Workplace Wellbeing Index is a benchmark of best policy and practice. It is designed to celebrate the good work employers are doing to promote and support positive mental health.

The Silver award reflects organisations that have made demonstrable achievements in promoting staff mental health, taking action across a number of key areas and demonstrating progress and impact over time.

Head of HR, Alison Fairchild, said: “We are delighted that our efforts around wellbeing have once again been recognised with this Silver award in the Mind index. We are proud of the steps we are taking to develop an open and supportive culture around such issues at Forsters and will strive to continue to improve as we look to achieve a Gold award in next year's index.”

The award highlights the positive measures that have been put in place to build a supportive culture around mental health as well as the effective awareness raising approaches that have been implemented by the firm in recent years. However, it also highlights areas for improvement and has been a useful tool in developing a strategy for the next 12 months which will allow Forsters to continue to raise the bar in terms of both mental and physical wellbeing within the firm, introducing initiatives such as the training of Mental Health First Aid Champions, further management and awareness training, the introduction of mindfulness courses and drop-ins, and participation in the Healthy Workplace Charter.

Read more about MIND's Workplace Wellbeing Index Awards 2018/19

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