12 March 2021

Elizabeth Oxendale quoted in the Law Society Gazette on the extension to the eviction ban

Property Litigation Associate, Elizabeth Oxendale’s comments have been published in the Law Society Gazette article entitled ’Kicking the can down the road’: eviction ban extended.

The article looks at the government’s recent decision to extend the ban on bailiff enforced evictions until 31 May. Under these protections, landlords in England will be banned from using bailiffs to evict private tenants and will be required to provide six-month notice periods before they evict them.

In her comments, Elizabeth highlights how the exemption for six months' arrears “only applies in specific scenarios, and many landlords' claims against tenants do not fall within these rigid criteria.” Elizabeth further goes on to warn that when the ban does end, those who have fallen into arrears as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic will “find themselves in a worse position.”

The full article can be accessed by clicking here.

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