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Every corporate or property transaction will have some type of tax implication - and the primary concern of our Tax team is to ensure that our clients optimise their allowances, mitigate their liabilities and ensure that their corporate and property tax affairs are in order.

Advising on tax issues in relation to property investment, development, finance and funds work, we specialise in providing clear and strategic advice concerning direct and indirect taxes, including Stamp Duty Land Tax, VAT and business rates. Our clients include institutional and private investors, developers, entrepreneurs; both in the UK and internationally. We work in tandem with our colleagues in the Real Estate and Private Client teams from an early stage in the transaction.

When considering real estate strategy - the acquisition or disposal of assets, leasing, developing, constructing or investing in commercial property - numerous, and often competing, tax issues will arise and consideration needs to be given to:

  • VAT on the purchase and development of the site
  • SDLT on the purchase of the site
  • direct taxation i.e. the taxation of any income, profits or gains that arise during ownership of the site
  • capital allowances which may serve to reduce taxable income
  • structuring the ownership of property to attract investors and to achieve a tax efficient exit
  • bespoke property structures such as REITs and PAIFs
  • the correct structuring of corporate transactions to ensure that the tax analysis aligns with our clients commercial objectives.

Our tax experts can advise across the board.

Tax Efficiency and Care Homes: A Guide to Capital Allowances

The centre piece of the Autumn Statement was on full expensing policy. Initially introduced on a temporary basis in the Spring Budget of 2023, the policy was made permanent in the Autumn Statement.

Amy France writes for EG.

Vineyards & Wineries

Forsters are delighted to be launching our Vineyards & Wineries practice. The cross-departmental team draws upon our strengths from across the firm, a combination of expertise that is rare if not unique in the market. The increasing number of vineyards we look after complements our exceptional book of landed estates, and is testament to our ability to look after landowning clients, whatever their business and whatever challenges they face.

An image of a vineyard

Podcast: Insights into Build To Rent

On our latest More Than Law podcast, host Miri Stickland is joined by three members of our Build To Rent group who provide their insights into the sector.

A mobile phone and earphones, ready to listen to our podcast.

Our Insights

I wanted to train at a firm that had a good culture and variety of and responsibility in work. I have found both to be true at Forsters.
Annalisa Gardner, Associate