
Caring for the environment

We are committed to running a business that is environmentally sustainable and we continually strive to minimise our impact on the environment.

We have been offsetting our carbon emissions since 2007 and are now working with the Achilles Carbon Zero certification programme, to reduce our emissions each year and offset through the highest quality offsets. We have a near term emission reduction target which has been approved by the Science Based Target initiative.

View our Sustainability Policy, which outlines our approach to environmental responsibility.

We are part of the Business Declares a Climate Emergency movement, formally recognising the climate crisis and the collective action that needs to be taken to avoid the worst effects of climate change. We are also a member of the Legal Sustainability Alliance.

Our sustainability action plan for 2023

We are working to halve our absolute scope 1, 2 and 3 emissions by 2030, from our 2019 baseline year.

Our sustainability action plan for the year includes:

  • reducing emissions relating to travel – through capitalising on gains made in virtual working during the pandemic, and implementing our new Travel Policy which encourages use of more sustainable forms of transport
  • projects in in our offices and day to day operations – including continued work on printing, recycling, efficient use of equipment, and reducing our use of couriers and reliance on single use items
  • ensuring the design and fit-out of our new premises are in line with sustainability best practice
  • working with suppliers and clients to encourage the measurement and reduction of carbon footprints
  • continuing to encourage a culture of sustainability and sustainable decision- making, through awareness raising events and other initiatives

Our Green Impact Group

Forsters’ sustainability drive is led and co-ordinated by our dedicated Green Impact Group (“GIG”), headed by CSR partner, Kelly Noel-Smith. GIG is made up of staff from across the firm, including lawyers, facilities managers, IT and secretarial team members. Recent Green Impact Group initiatives include:

  • the annual participation in a clean-up of the River Lea where we remove sometimes hazardous rubbish that poses a threat to surrounding wildlife
  • celebrating Earth Day: including providing seed bombs for staff to plant in rural hedgerows to support biodiversity
  • International E-Waste Day: donating old mobile phones and electronics in collaboration with the Rainbow Trust and Inspire Technologies
  • Walk to Work Day: encouraging people to walk to work, with a celebratory breakfast BBQ, and promoting cycling
  • annual celebration of World Environment Day: this has previously included sharing tips on reducing plastic and providing staff with reusable coffee cups, cutlery and water bottles
  • World Paper Free Day: encouraging staff to go paper-free and avoid printing, with the reward of a vegetarian breakfast BBQ
  • Organic September: encouraging people to choose organic products and tackle food waste, with a lunch and presentation from an organic, zero waste chef and follow-up firmwide challenge.

We also have a Sustainability Board, which includes the firm’s managing partner and heads of finance, operations and risk, to ensure sustainability is embedded in the firm’s decision-making

Our sustainability efforts have been recognised by the industry with a shortlisting for the 2020 Lexis Nexis Sustainability Award.

Legal Sustainability Alliance Logo
Finalist of the 2020 Lexis Nexis Sustainability Award Logo
Business Declares Logo
The Sustainable Recruitment Alliance
Achilles Carbon Zero Certified Stamp

Forsters LLP commits to a science-based emission reduction target

Forsters, one of the leading Real Estate and Private Wealth law firms, announces today a commitment to a science-based emission reduction target. As part of its sustainability commitments, Forsters has set a target of reducing its absolute scope 1,2 and 3 emissions by 50% by 2030, starting from a baseline year of 2019.

Our Sustainability Hub

Our sustainability hub brings together insights and legal expertise on a broad range of environmental matters that affect our clients' business and personal affairs.

Our Sustainability Hub

“The Forsters team are incredibly ‘user friendly’ and have great expertise and experience in the art and cultural property sector.”
The Legal 500 UK, 2024